Self Doubt

On Sundays, I go to Walmart. Today I was fortunate to go alone. Not that having my kids with me is such a terrible thing, but I like being alone sometimes to think. That's part of the reason why I get up at 4:15 during the week. To think. I will read a devotional and think about how to apply that to my life, and I try to read at least 15 minutes of a personal development book. I like to get those kind of books on audible so I can listen as I get ready for work.

Anyways, as a part of my leadership development for coaching, I joined a group where we are reading The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins. This book is all about transforming your life, work, and confidence. Today I listened to this book on the way to Walmart. The chapter was called "What Are You Waiting For?" The entire chapter was all about self doubt. This is definitely something I struggle with. As you can see, I've started 5 blog posts, but have doubted myself into not posting.

Everyone has self doubt. It's easy to fall into the pit of doubting your every decision. That is most commonly because we make decisions with feelings. 

I don't feel like folding the laundry.

I don't feel like making the kids lunches for tomorrow.

I don't feel like going to church.

I don't feel like making the PowerPoint for my writing lesson tomorrow. 

I'm worried what people will say about me when I share a new post.

These are thoughts I had just today. These thoughts are determined by the way I felt. CK wasn't feeling well this morning, so we skipped church. I laid on the couch with her, and we watched movies. She's feeling better now (I think she's still super exhausted from a slumber party), but my day started off pretty lazy. Thankfully I didn't listen to these thoughts. I got the laundry folded and put away. I made the kids lunches. I am going to church tonight, and I am prepared for school tomorrow. And obviously, I finished this post.

Yes, this book The Five Second Rule is great, and I've learned to do her strategy of counting back from 5. I would totally recommend you reading the book if you are needing an extra push in reaching your goals. However, above her strategy, I would recommend Paul's strategy:

When self doubt comes in or your strong feelings get in the way when making a decision or going after a goal, remember who you are working for. Find the grit you need to finish the work. Whether its laundry, starting a new workout program or diet, or asking for a promotion at work. If you are working for the Lord through it all, He will take care of you. 

I am writing this post to hopefully encourage one person to fight through the excuses, the fears, the self doubt and meet your goals. I DID NOT become a coach to help me. I became a coach to help others. I have been face to face with self doubt throughout the coaching process, but I am getting to know some amazing coaches who are encouraging me. My challenge group girls are doing AMAZING, and they are really motivating and encouraging me, as well. I'm not going to let my fears get in the way. I'm going to keep working for the Lord trying to help people meet their goals. 


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