What's My Story?

So if you know me well, you know I love fitness. It is a true passion of mine. This hasn't always been the case. 

When I was in college, I went to the gym with Zach, but only once... and I LAID DOWN in the middle of the floor. 

We went on a hike at Fall Creek Falls, just Zach and me. How romantic (insert giggle, because we are not mushy at all).  I made it to the bottom just fine, but then on the way back to the top...I was so out of breath. My entire body was bright red. From lack of oxygen, I guess. 

I started running after going on a cruise with my family. I went to the gym on board with Zach, but I just walked on the treadmill. There was this girl who was on the treadmill running beside me. She had been running about 30 minutes when I got on. She was still running later when I quit walking. I was so amazed. I thought she was superwoman. I decided I wanted to do that. So, I did. 

I trained for my first 5K. I remember calling Zach the first time I ran for 30 minutes straight. I was so excited! On the day of the 5K, it was raining. Being the new inexperienced runner I was, I had on a sweatshirt, and I think by the end of the race, it weighed about 30 extra pounds. I had to walk, but I think it was the sweatshirts fault. It didn't matter though, because I finished. I'll never forget it. It was in Nashville, and the finish line was on the 50 yard line of the Titan's football field. I ran through the tunnel and I almost started crying when I realized I still had to run all the entire perimeter of the field to get to the finish line. But when I crossed the finish line, I was hooked!

I kept having small victories with running, which was so encouraging to me. I loved and still love running. 

Fast forward a bit...

I had my sweet baby girl CK! She sure was a sweet, beautiful baby! And what a challenge! She would (and still does) scream for every emotion. Happy, sad, mad, glad. But at first, she screamed because she was mad or maybe hungry because I didn't know what I was doing! She and I would cry together almost every night at first, but not the happy cry! When I went back to work, I cried every day until she was about 7 months old because, even though we spent a lot of time crying together, I hated leaving her. When she was about 8 months old, my milk supply was dropping, and it was stressing me out to a point that wasn't healthy, so I quit. Soon after this, I started to become my normal self again. I started running, and I even signed up to do a half marathon! 

Then, when CK was 10 months old, I found out I was pregnant with my sweet surprise! And it was a boy! I was so excited, but I didn't get to run the half marathon. I actually went to the race with my mom to watch my dad and friends, and I spent the day trying to hide my tears because I was so sad I didn't get to run it (I know that sounds kinda crazy. Crying because I didn't get to run?). After I had CZ, I started running again. But running with 2 small kids is tough to train properly! We are very blessed to have had amazing grandparents watch the kids on Saturday mornings to run, but during the week, it wasn't so easy! I did run the half the next year, but I injured myself and had to take a break again! 

So I had my first baby, who was very needy and high maintenance (but super sweet and amazing), and while she was still a baby, I had another one!! Thankfully, he was (and still is) very low maintenance. So they are a good balance. They are both the most perfect kids God could have ever given me. 

As a young mother of 2 small kids, things can get overwhelming! I began having feelings of anxiousness. I remember feeling like I just needed a break! Eventually, I began having panic attacks. Those suckers are not fun, let me tell you! I went to the doctor, but I chose not to take the medication. I suffered through panic attacks quite often the next couple of years. I had to do lots of soul searching. I spent lots of time in prayer, studying the bible, and doing devotionals on anxiety. I asked God to make changes in my life. What I discovered is that I get anxious when I cannot control the situation. 

One thing I found that helped me was Piyo, a Beachbody program. I saw the infomercial on TV and decided to buy the DVDs. Piyo is kind of like yoga and pilates mixed together. Everytime I did one of the workouts, I felt so much better. I loved Chalene’s positive attitude and her encouragement (Yes, I am on a first name basis with her, the creator of Piyo. She doesn't realize this).

One day, my DVDs quit working (gasp!). I was pretty devastated! BUT this was a huge blessing in disguise! It led me to Beachbody on Demand. It is like the Netflix of workout programs. Now, I have completed Piyo and 21 Day Fix Extreme. I blend all my favorite workouts from Piyo, 21 Day Fix Extreme, P90x3, Yoga Retreat, Hammer and Chisel, and A Little Obsessed. I am very excitedly counting down the days until the new program, 80 Day Obsession, comes out on January 15th!!!

Although I've had Beachbody on Demand for about 2 years, I have only recently been taking it super seriously. I have not missed a workout since October 30, and I have been in the BEST mood (Ask Zach... He'll tell you I'm not Mrs. Grinch anymore). I know it’s because I am making sure I push play, eat right and Energize.

I still get anxious and worried and stressed out just like everyone else. But JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. It's normal stresses, not paralyzing panic attacks. If I do feel like my stress is escalating, I can go into prayer mode, and go do some a 30 minute Yoga. It helps me clear my mind, and keep my faith in God.

I became Beachbody coach because I want to help people. I want everyone I know to feel great, and even people I don't know! Health and fitness have a BIG impact on how you feel. You can do anything. Running taught me that. YOU really can do anything! I truly believe it! I would love to help you set health and fitness goals and ACHIEVE them. Please, let me know if you have any questions!


  1. Thank you for sharing your struggles with anxiety and how fitness, prayer, and other things help you to cope with it. You are a true inspiration to me and I know you will be to others. I am so excited for you becoming a beachbody coach!


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