7 Tips and Tricks to a Healthy Lifestyle

There are so many tips and tricks to a living a healthy lifestyle. If you are looking for some easy changes you can make today, read on!

1. Spend time with God. First and foremost, you have to work on your mind and spirit. Commit to waking up 20 minutes early and reading the bible or a devotional. Right now, I am reading Rest and Release by Courtney Joseph. It's all about resting with God and releasing your struggles to Him. 

2. Wherever you go, take water! I take 3 bottles of water with me everyday to work. I never have time to refill, and if I don't have the water available, I won't drink it. When I get home, I drink some more. I also use the app My Water Balance to track how much I drink. The only problem with having the water with me at work is if I don't have time to refill, I definitely don't have time to release. #ineedabathroominmyclassroomplease
3. Meal Prep. I spend time on Sundays making the kids' lunch and my lunch. Last week I made a salad for everyday. I can't eat the same things everyday. I get so bored with it! So I change it up. So for this week, I alternated the fruit, nuts, meat, and dressing in my salad. (grapes/apples, pecans/almonds, chicken/bacon, avocado oil/Whole 30 mayo - I know that's kind of weird!) I never got tired of it because each salad tasted a little different. I also plan a morning and afternoon snack because I feel sick and angry when I get hungry, especially in the mornings!! 

4. Make enough for leftovers. I try to always make enough leftovers so I don't have to cook every. single. night. It really does help this lazy chef!

5. Get ready! Have everything ready to go in the morning! Pick out your work clothes and your children's clothes the night before. If you are anything like me, I waste SO MUCH TIME trying on and taking off clothes in the morning. Being prepared helps! Also, if you workout in the mornings, have your gear ready! I have my shirt, pants, sports bra, socks, shoes, water,  and Energize ready to go. Then I do my devotional and go downstairs and push play!

Here's how my coach does it: (BTW - she's awesome and so motivational! I plan to learn so much from her)

Here's how I do it: 
I'm just not a neat person! This works for me! Haha! Zach leaves his in the bathroom so he doesn't wake me up. How kind! (Really, its just 9 years of marriage and knowing that I can be evil when I'm sleeping... Ask my friends, too!) 

6. Forgive yourself. Don't be too hard on yourself. We all make mistakes. Don't let that ruin your day or week! I've been guilty of, "Well, I messed up. I'll start back Monday." But I have found, that if I notice how I feel (usually with stomach pains and gas!), I am more willing to jump right back in. I am totally motivated by feeling good. It can be hard to keep a positive mindset, but it is so important! This book by Jennifer Rothschild really helped me change my thinking! {I still need work! Imperfect progress, right?}

7. Set goals. Set goals for the year, month, and day. Make action steps. Follow through! (That's where the title of my blog comes in - more on that later!)

If you are wanting more tips, tricks, and motivation like this. Let me know! You could also join my first challenge group that I am co-hosting called Clean Week Challenge starting January 22. I'd love to hear from you! I challenge you to make at least one choice that leads you to a healthier lifestyle today! 


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